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Specializing in residential inpatient and outpatient facilities, this behavioral health provider offers services for individuals with challenging mental health conditions and learning disabilities, including SUD, PTSD, Forensic, Anxiety, Depression, autism spectrum disorders and physical and sensory disabilities.
With 15+ facilities across seven states, these facilities are staffed by a team of trained and experienced Nurses, Therapists, Psychologists and Psychiatrists, complemented by dedicated operational teams. Offering over 1950+ beds across their facilities.
The client has extensive growth plans to expand its offering within the states it already operates in, and to venture into further states over the next five years, with a ten-year plan for the President and CEO to retire.
This also includes expanding their headcount. Due to a recent resignation, the provider was looking to replace their Chief Operating Officer to focus on their business objectives and be a long-term replacement for the
President and CEO. After successfully completing several Director and Leadership assignments for this provider, Compass Associates was exclusively approached to mandate this assignment.
Key process elements following the brief:
Compass Associates completed this two-stage process in a timescale of less than four weeks: more than 58 candidates formed the original long list, before 14 candidates were submitted to the short list. The client interviewed 11 for the first stage of the process, before 4 were invited back to final stage, before one identified candidate was offered and accepted first time.