Compass Associates were exclusively mandated on an extensive team build project for a newly created residential adolescent clinic.

There was an initial expectation to fill 24 vacancies in an incredibly short period of time – in the space of three months – to build up the staffing of a brand-new service.

In terms of headline data, the Compass Associates mental health team were able to deliver about the initial 24 hires, and supported more than 30 mental health coaches into the business with the following metrics reported:

  • 80 CVs submitted
  • 58 interview requests
  • 38 offers
  • 33 acceptance and starters


I just wanted to touch base with you regarding my successful appointment through Compass Associates.  It has been a pleasure working with you over the past few weeks and I have found your to be a patient, reliable and courteous individual who always had my best interest at heart. 

The Youth Clinic has so much to offer and when they get up and functioning at full capacity, they will revolutionise the way care is provided in this country. The reason I have been chosen to help deliver this is due to your intervention and for that I will be eternally grateful. Please keep doing what you do best.

Mental Health Coach | Residential Adolescent Clinic

Lijani Cherry
Managing Consultant - Mental Health, Complex Care and Learning Disabilities
Luke Shaw
Lead Consultant – Mental Health, Complex Care and LD
Ani Abello
Divisional Manager – Adult Care and Children's Care (South)